Sunday, 6 February 2011

And still they can't do something as basic as running the trains on time

No better for the rest of last week;


Dep: Braintree  0818 (0812) Late departing...
Arr: Stratford  0924 (0907) Even later arriving. Big surprise there!

Dep: Stratford 1822 (1820) I think I've finally worked out why NXEA always manage to run this train late; every night one of their "untouchable" Inter-City trains goes through Stratford just before the Clacton train is due. I reckon the Inter-Sh*tty is leaving late, which means bumping the 1820 off the main line to let it past. Screw everyone else.
Arr: Witham 1901 (1858)
Dep: Witham 1902 (1901) Nothing to write home about.
Arr: Braintree 1916 (1919) Early!


Dep: Braintree  0817 (0812) They really don't give a sh*t do they?
Arr: Stratford  0914 (0907) Lost even more time again.

Dep: Stratford 1842 (1838)  The Jubilee Line was all to cock tonight, which meant I missed the 1820. I caught the later Walton-on-the-Naze train which was the next train that stopped at Witham; can you believe that? Not one train between Stratford and Witham for more than 20 minutes!
Arr: Witham 1922 (1917) More time lost...
Dep: Witham 1949 (1949) Whoo-hoo! On time.
Arr: Braintree 2003 (2005) Early again. We should have this driver stuffed!



Dep: Braintree 0812 (0812) On time
Arr: Stratford 0910 (0907) Closest to being on time at Stratford all week.


Dep: Stratford 1823 (1820) Bloody Inter-City again.
Arr: Witham 1910 (1858) Bloody useless....
Dep: Witham 1910 (1901) Ten bloody minutes late tonight.
Arr: Braintree 1926 (1919) You can always rely on NXEA to screw it up at least once a week.

Didn't travel on Friday.

Yet another miserable experience on this piss-poor excuse for a franchise.

And we've not had a lineside fire (a favourite excuse for a f*cked-up evenings travel), cable theft (another favourite) or catastrophic signal failure recently. Must be due for one or another soon.

1 comment:

  1. Dear blogger,

    I am keen to write a story about your blog and would very much like to speak to you about it.
    Please could you get in touch -

    Many thanks

    Nina Morgan
    Braintree and Witham Times reporter
